Those people you despise almost as much as they despise you? Will they give you a medal, Clarice, do you think? Would you have it professionally framed and hang it on your wall to look at and remind you of your courage and incorruptibility? All you need for that, Clarice, is a mirror.”
《沉默的羔羊》是我看的汉尼拔系列的第一部作品。看了之后一下子就被残忍优雅兼具的Dr. Lecter 吸引了,自然又看了电影《汉尼拔》和两本原著。
我个人是很喜欢Anthony Hopkins和Julianne Moore 的,因此对于换女主一事不想多说什么,我觉得Julianne Moore和Jodie Foster演技都很棒。不可否认的是,与《沉默的羔羊》相比,电影《汉尼拔》中Clarcie Starling 的重要性降低了,《汉尼拔》更像是导演献给所有Dr. Lecter 粉丝的作品。(当然,能看到安叔更多的戏份,我是很开心啦。安叔的表现太棒了,念白堪称一绝!)至于书影结局不同也可以理解,毕竟在书中作者实在是把美国政府各机构里里外外都黑了一遍,结局若是Clarcie 和Hannibal 踹掉FBI,携手浪迹天涯,可能很多人会不满吧。改成让英雄断臂,虽有遗憾,倒也算是为他俩不知名的“情愫”画上了句号。
再说Dr. Lecter 。他实在复杂,我不知道如何评价他,似乎我现有的价值体系是无论如何也容不下这么一个食人狂魔的。但很奇怪,看了书和电影之后,我很佩服他,也很喜欢他。敢于挑战权威?不在乎世俗评判?智慧优雅?泰山崩于前而色不变?可他是食人魔啊,他杀了那么多人,手段都极其残忍,他吃活人的舌头时心跳都不超过85,他是魔鬼,是撒旦,是上帝之外的审判者。他杀的人几乎都是“恶人”,他觉得人类丑恶,便杀掉,用他的尺度来“除恶”。而这种行为纵然有种武侠小说里“劫富济贫”的快意恩仇之感,但总归是不对的。是的,我们认为他这样做是不对的。在我们的价值观里,不论一个人做了什么错事,另一个人是没有权力决定这个人的生死的,只有法律的审判可以。这是文学作品价值观与现实生活价值观的冲突。
Clarice Starling 与Dr. Lecter 正相反,她是以己身殉道的,如耶稣一般拯救世人。不管是儿时救那只羔羊还是后来孤身闯虎穴,与野牛比尔搏斗,拯救凯瑟琳,都是愿意牺牲自己拯救他人的行为。她一次又一次听到心里的那只羔羊在尖叫,就像耶稣看到世人受苦一样,他们都选择了拯救。这和Dr. Lecter 太不同了,他们是两个极端。
《汉尼拔》书中Clarice 决定孤身去梅森的庄园救Dr. Lecter时是这样写的:
Starling可以理解为什么梅森想杀死Dr. Lecter。如果梅森自己动手过后或者是雇人杀死他,她都可以理解。因为他仇恨。但是把Dr. Lecter折磨致死,她却受不了。她逃避这件事,就像很久以前杀死羔羊和马一样。
书《沉默的羔羊》结尾Dr. Lecter给Clarice写的信中这样评价她:
电影《沉默的羔羊》中Clarice向Dr. Lecter 说完那个沉默的羔羊的故事后,Dr. Lecter 眼中有泪,连说了两句“Thank you, Clarice.”他在感谢什么?他是不是想到了幼时和妹妹米莎在那些残暴军官的压迫下的无助,他当时是不是也期待一个像Clarice那样的天使,耶稣,来拯救他?可惜没有。他只能无奈地看着妹妹被吃掉,从此再也不信人性,不信上帝。
可是此刻隔着监牢,在看过了世间那么多丑恶之后,他被Clarice感动了。后来Clarice被Dr. Chilton 赶走前,Dr. Lecter隔着牢笼把文件递给Clarice时,他们的手指触碰,真是像极了米开朗基罗的作品《创造亚当》。手指触碰的瞬间也是心灵的触碰吧。
电影《Hannibal》中让我印象最深,一直回味的倒不是结局和一些恐怖画面,而是餐厅中,Dr. Lecter对Clarice说的那段话。
H:Give the chance you would deny me my life, wouldn't you?
C:Not your life.
H:My freedom, just that, you'd take that from me .And if you did, would they have you back do you think? the FBI?
Those people you despise almost as much as they despise you? Will they give you a medal, Clarice, do you think? Would you have it professionally framed and hang it on your wall to look at and remind you of your courage and incorruptibility?
All you need for that, Clarice, is a mirror.
书中很像的一幕是刚开始时Dr. Lecter写给Clarice的信中的话。(电影和书中那封信的内容不太一样。)
You are a warrior.
Dr.Lecter 不需要传统做后盾,他的自我和他的推理能力跟他的智商一样,都是无法用传统尺度衡量的。
Dr. Lecter告诉Clarice,你不需要体制来评价你,你只需要一面镜子。也就是你自己。我觉得他没对Clarice说出来的话可能是:我们都是与世不容的。他们认为我是魔鬼,想杀死我。他们认为你是不知变通的白痴,原则是狗屁,利益才是王道。所以,Clarice,跟我走吧,你永远不会被他们欢迎的,为什么非利士人不了解你?因为你是参孙的谜语的答案:你是狮子肚里的蜜。
这里我把Dr. Lecter和王阳明的话结合一下,称此为:良知之镜。(按原著的话,我得改为“良知之铁锅”,但我觉得“良知之镜”更好听一些。hhh)
当然,到底要不要由“他者”来评判我,我还要继续思考,我是没有Dr. Lecter的勇气和智慧的。
《沉默的羔羊》我觉得电影比书更优秀,书比电影多了更多的背景介绍,想象空间也更大,但是电影对于气氛的营造和演员的表现是书无论如何也比不上的。《汉尼拔》我觉得书和电影不相上下,电影中Dr. Lecter和Clarice 的感情更明朗,对于体制人性的批判弱一些,但演员的表现和一些场景的呈现比书更妙。
帕齐决定把Dr. Lecter“卖给”梅森时书中是这样描写的:
到底谁是魔鬼,Dr. Lecter吗?Dr. Lecter是,帕齐也是。帕齐与他那被吊死的祖先一样,为了利益行恶,还要冠上正义的帽子。
Dr. Lecter去看一个古代刑具展览,他看的不是展览,是观众,“根本的丑态其实就展现在观众脸上。”丑恶的是什么?刑具吗?还是人心。几千年来不曾变化的人心。
Clarice 想着Dr. Lecter要是给抓住,当局都会来分享荣誉,像一群狗熊围着一头血淋淋的海豹。没错的,肯定会如此,他们抓Dr. Lecter不是为了什么狗屁正义,是利益。
看来作者Thomas Harris真的是很讨厌美国社会的虚假和人性的险恶了。虽然我觉得人性不至于此,还是有很多美好的地方的。

最后,我们来愉快地欣赏一下情话十级选手Hannibal Lecter 对Clarcie Starling说过的情话吧。
Did you ever think, Clarice, why the Philistines don't understand you? It because you are the answer to Samson's riddle."You are the honey in the lion."
2.Clarice去找 Barney了解信息(书《汉尼拔》)
Barney: You ever think he might come after you. You ever think about him at all?
Clarice: At least 30 seconds of every day. I can't help it. He's always with me , like a bad habit.
Barney: We used to talk about a lot of things at night after the screaming finally died down. We talked about you sometimes.You wanna know what his said?
Clarice: What did he say? What did he say about me late at night?
Barney: He was talking about inherited, hardwired behavior.
He was using genetics in the roller pigeons asan example.They fly up in the air, roll backwards in a display, falling to the ground. There are shallow rollers and deep rollers.You can't breed two deep rollers or their young,their offspring, will roll all the way down hit and die.
Agent Starling is a deep roller,Let us hope one of her parents was not.
H:Surely the odd confluence of events hasn't escaped you, Clarice.
Do you think it's because of I like to look at you and imagine how good you would taste, Clarice.
H:I came halfway around the world to watch you run, Clarice, let me run, huh?
Tell me, Clarice, would you ever say to me "Stop".If you loved me, you'd stop.
C: Not in a thousand years.
H: Not in a thousand years.
That's my girl.
H:Now, that's really interesting,Clarice, and I'm really pressed for time. So,where's the key? Where's the key?
Okay. Above or below the wrist, Clarice?(要砍手了)
This is really gonna hurt.
(Dr. Lecter 用钢笔碰了碰他的嘴唇。他看着外面的夜空,笑了。)
H:Give the chance you would deny me my life, wouldn't you?
C:Not your life.
H: My freedom, just that, you'd take that from me .And if you did, would they have you back,do you think? the FBI?
Those people you despise almost as much as they despise you? Will they give you a medal, Clarice, do you think? Would you have it professionally framed and hang it on your wall to look at and remind you of your courage and incorruptibility? All you need for that, Clarice, is a mirror.
H:You have very shapely feet.
You, it’s you I’m worried about.
Would you stay with me in my prison cell and hold my hand, Clarice, we could have some fun.
Hope you like them, Clarice, Ta-ta.(送鞋子,这个Ta-ta真的太调皮了···)
H:Is this Clarice? Hello, Clarice.I am afraid I have bad news for you.
C:Is He dead?
H:Did you get my note? I hope you like the skin cream. I had it specially made it for you.
C:Is He dead,Dr. Lecter?
H: Clarice, there is nothing in this world than I would love more than to be able to chat with you. Unfortunately, you've caught me at an awkward moment. Please forgive me. See you around.
10.来自佛罗伦萨的隔空告白!(帕齐妻子与Dr. Lecter的对话)
Dr. , do you believe a man could become so obsessed with a woman from a single encounter?
H:Could he daily feel a stab of hunger for her and find nourishment in the very sight of her?
I think so.
But would she see through the bars of his plight and ach for him?
Dear Clarice,
I have followed with enthusiasm the course of your disgrace and public shaming. My own never bothered me except for the inconvenience of being incarcerated. But you may lack perspective.
In our discussions down in the dungeon, it was apparent me that your father, the dead night watchman figures largely in your value system. I think your success in putting an end to Jame Gumb's career as a couturier pleased you most because you could imagine your father being pleased.
But now , alas, you're in bad odor with the FBI. Do you imagine daddy being shamed by your disgrace?Do you see him in his plain pine box crushed by your failure the sorry, petty end of a promising career?
What is the worst about this humiliation, Clarice? Is It how your failure will reflect on your mommy and daddy? Is your worst fear that people will now and forever believe they were indeed just good old trailer-camp tornado-bait white trash and that perhaps you are too? Eme?
By the way, I couldn't help noticing on the FBI's rather dull web site that I have been hoisted from the Bureau' archives of the common criminal and elevated to the more prestigious Ten Most Wanted List. Is this coincidence or are you back on the case? If so, goody goody, because I need to come out of retirement and return to public life.
I imagine you sitting in a dark basement room bent over papers and computer screens. Is that accurate? Please tell me truly,Special Agent Starling.
Regards your old pal, Hannibal Lecter.
PS:Clearly this new assignment is not your choice.Rather I suppose it is a part of the bargain. But you accepted it, Clarice. Your job is to craft my doom. So I'm not sure how I should wish you but Iam sure we'll have a lot of fun.
People will say we are in love.
Hello, Clarice.
Good morning, Clarice
Good evening, Clarice
See you around.
