惩罚者2:战争特区 Punisher.War.Zone.720p.BluRay.x264-Felony.rar


又名:神鬼制裁2:就地正法(台) / 惩罚者2 战区 / 制裁者2:战争地带


主演:雷·史蒂文森 / 多米尼克·韦斯特 / 道格·休切逊 / 科林·萨蒙 / 韦恩·奈特 / 达什·米霍克 / 朱莉·本茨 / 丝黛芬妮·珍妮斯卡斯 / 马克·卡马乔 / 罗曼诺·欧萨里 / 克拉姆·马立基·桑切斯 / 拉里·戴 / 罗恩·利 / 托尼·卡拉布雷塔 / T.J. Storm / 大卫·瓦迪姆 / 奥伯特·帕拉斯西奥 / 简卡·摩吉尔 / 卡斯·安瓦尔 / Jon Barton / 


惩罚者2:战争特区 Punisher.War.Zone.720p.BluRay.x264-Felony.rar


前FBI探员弗兰克卡(雷·史蒂文森Ray Stevenson 饰)在黑帮杀掉妻儿之后走向了黑暗复仇的不归路。成为这个城市里隐秘的“惩罚者”,令城内不少罪犯闻风丧胆,而他穿着代表惩罚者的骷髅制服,穿梭在这个充满罪恶的都市中。一名新崛起的黑帮份子比利(多米尼克·威斯特 Dominic West 饰)开始向惩罚者叫嚣,并且还要统领城内各大帮派。可一番激斗之后,比利最终还是败在惩罚者的枪下。不过若干时日之后,一位名叫疯人吉姆(道格·休切逊 Doug Hutchison 饰)的神秘人现身城内,他不但有着和比利一样信念,而且他的手法更离谱——他不但要统一黑帮,还要干掉其他帮派的黑帮头目,做城内真正的寡头老大,甚至他还向惩罚者下了挑战书,要将他置于死地!惩罚者在追查的过程中,渐渐发现了吉姆的真实身份,这令他大吃一惊……Frank Castle, the ex-military man whose family was killed by criminals, who became a vigilante known as the Punisher, goes after a whole mob family and gets everyone except enforcer Billy Russoti. He tracks Russoti down and chases him into a vat that is used for crushing bottles. Frank turns on the crusher hoping it would take care of him but it doesn't. He survives but sustains very severe injuries that even with plastic surgery his face looks like a jigsaw puzzle. So he decides to adopt the name Jigsaw. Frank who killed one of Russoti's people who unknown to him is an undercover Fed, decides to pack it in. But when he learns Russoti didn't die and is looking for the money he entrusted to the Fed and will go looking for it at his home which means his family is in danger. So Frank tries to save them. But Russoti wants revenge on Frank so he breaks out his brother who is so crazed that he is committed to an asylum, to deal with him. And also another Fed who's a friend of the man Frank killed wants him too.