
But this is that kind of a movie that will keep echoing in my mind

Definitely need to watch that again because the subtitle error is distracting. It’s better to get rid of it so that I can truly pay attention to the films instead of busy searching for information through the blanks among the big letters .

It’s definitely about music for it uses music to link up the whole film as well as its (key) transitions).

I think it requires some sort of understanding or knowledge to really understand what the director intends with it. I will try to dig it up mext time before watching. hopefully I can understand and see more with the approach of the film.

Because now it only leaves the the first impression that everybody could have: the transition of a good man; what is the true meaing of doing “good”; when the immoral things happen, what choice can it be? or will this man stay good?; that sort of “naive” mind in those brains of those ivory tower people and the self-discipline who hold to their moral standard- turning a large organization to a moralized track.

The music is obviously the key element, it is the string that pulls the story together. It might present the fantasy, but it probably does not echo the beauty of life. From a psychological prespective, we know only when people meet something they preferring not coming across will they begin to hear or think about something else to really pull them out of the misery at the present. So, the music the male protagonist hears for the first time when he met Anne might be ominous. His reality was always in a hurry, mess, and anxiety. The music his wife is playing was jarring, agonizing and ear-piercing. So when he first heard that sound, he might have a feeling of “如听仙乐耳暂明”. It might be a good sign of the life that even the workers are celebrating this secene for him. The passengers are creating the atmosphere for him. The passengers are cheering up for what he has got at the present. Interestingly but also ironically, those pieces of sound music are all(?) played by workers or underpriviledged people. At last, it becomes the Jews in camps to do the playing job. Is that a tear moved by that beauty of art to cry? It seems so on the surface. But it can also be a possibility that he has gone mad. I thought that madness might be something that goes down within the family, however, since Helen becomes more normal after leaving the family and his mother seems to get back her mind but can never cure her disease or misery, it seems that it is only the enviroment that changes people, not the others.

Music is the contrast of fantasy and reality, but obvisouly the male protagonist does not realize the fantasy can be quite dangerous amd haunting.

At last, the choas and the sound of music intertwine. It already cannot tell which part is the dream he fantasized or the part he wish to be, or the actual ground he is standing and the actual person he is meeting and talking to.

Cinematography, acting, mise-en-scene, etc.,everything is good, so we will just leave there and discuss something maybe more philosophical with this story. Because I feel it might require a little bit of history and more life experince to understand this story.

Hope we can feel something more after our second watch. And the question leaves with Anne and music.

【huanity might seem a question thrown away after becoming useless. No more presentation or discussion here. It is only a starter or a tool to open this story.】

C U mext time

ps. 对了,虽然V在电影里唯唯诺诺柔柔弱弱胆小无助又可怜,但也还是掩盖不了他俊朗性感的外形☺️比如腹肌什么的【超级小声BB


又名:字作孽(港) / 毁灭效应


主演:维果·莫腾森 / 詹森·艾萨克 / 朱迪·惠特克 / 斯蒂文·麦金托什 / 马克·斯特朗 / 杰玛·琼斯 / 阿纳斯塔西娅·希尔 / 鲁丝·吉梅尔 / 斯蒂文·埃尔德 / 凯文·道尔 / 大卫 /  / 基瑟 / 盖伊·亨利 / 阿德里安·席勒 / 里克·沃登 / 查理·孔杜 / 德克兰·汉宁根 / 安娜·玛丽亚·切赫 / 马特·戴维尔 / 阿蒂拉·萨特马里 / 彼得·林卡 / 拉斯洛·戈罗格 / Anthony Barclay / 

导演:威森特·阿莫里姆 / 编剧:John Wrathall