男主角受到好友的邀请到法国巴黎这个浪漫之都去做脱口秀节目,他好激动啊,浪漫之都哦,约炮天堂啊。在他开秀之前,他要去领略下法国酒吧文化,可是都不得要领。在那,他遇见了女主角,而他赢得了吃鸡翅比赛,女主角便跟他一夜情了,然后约定不见面、不联系、不纠缠的三不政策。可是后来,偶然机会下,他们又见面了,于是于是就发展为同居关系了。其实,他们不是爱情故事,是性欲故事,就是所谓的炮友关系。然而......他们是大家都爱对方但没说出口呢,还是真的是只是炮友呢?谁知道呢!Befikre is a story that celebrates being carefree in love. A quintessential Delhi boy Dharam (Ranveer Singh) comes to Paris for work in search of an adventure. Just when he was about to embark on this journey of his life he bumps into a wild, free spirited, French born Indian girl Shyra (Vaani Kapoor). A feisty romance ensues between the two in which both of their personalities- one being an equal match for the other are tested to the limit. Battling their ups and downs, both realize that love is a leap of faith that can only be taken by those who dare to love.