少君(琦琦)产下儿子明仔(叶靖岚)后被丈夫抛弃,为了不让明仔跟着自己过苦日子,她把明仔遗弃在了一艘豪华游船上,期望好心有钱的人士捡去,但自己从此落下心病。证券经纪人李兆荣(张国荣)见到明仔时虽已是因金融风暴而破产的穷光蛋,还是决定收养他,两人住进养老院天台的一间木屋,李兆荣开始靠骑单车为别人送货挣生活费。 四年后李兆荣和明仔成为一对外人看来亲密无间的父子,少君则成了某慈善基金会的主席,因为一次资助养老院的兰姐(吴家丽)开设一家照料街童的托儿所事件,李兆荣与少君结识,悲情故事就此展开。When Maise's husband walks out on her, she leaves her baby son in a luxury yacht, hoping that he'll be adopted by affluent parents. Little did she know that its owner Daniel has lost everything in derivative speculation that very day. Four years later, Maise has pulled herself together to become a successful charity fund manager. She meets the down-and-out Daniel, living with his adopted son in a shabby rooftop flat...