故事发生在17世纪的英国,诗人约翰·威尔默特(约翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp 饰)以其满溢的才华和不羁的性格成为查尔斯二世(约翰·马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)的宠臣。他古怪的行事风格遭人非议,还时常大写淫秽诗篇讽刺贵族的淫乱生活,他天生不羁蔑视社会伦理,结识了特立独行的女演员伊丽莎白·巴里(萨曼莎·莫顿 Samantha Morton 饰)坠入爱河,又和男演员道恩斯(鲁珀特·佛兰德 Rupert Friend 饰)发生暧昧关系。但长期纵欲和酗酒,加之触怒皇室被多次流放,过度燃烧了诗人的生命,他开始饱受失明、关节炎、臆想症的困扰,最终证实身患梅毒,在33岁时黯然逝去。In 1660, with the return of Charles II to the English throne, theater, the visual arts, science and sexual promiscuity flourish. Thirteen years later, in the midst of political and economical problems, Charles II asks for the return of his friend John Wilmot, aka the second Earl of Rochester, from exile back to London. John is a morally-corrupt drunkard and a sexually- active cynical poet. When the King asks John to prepare a play for the French ambassador so as to please him, John meets the aspiring actress Elizabeth Barry in the playhouse and decides to make her into a great star. He falls in love with her and she becomes his mistress. During the presentation to the Frenchman, he falls into disgrace with the court. When he was thirty-three years old and dying of syphilis and alcoholism, he converts to being a religious man.