野崎(冈田准一 饰)是一名灵异小说家,一天,一位名叫田原秀树(妻夫木聪 饰)的男子找到了他,说自己的家里发声了超自然现象,怀疑是不是有恶灵企图伤害他的妻子香奈(黑木华 饰)和孩子知纱。于是,野崎找到了灵能力很强的女友比嘉真琴(小松菜奈 饰),一起调查这起事件。 让两人没有想到的是,没过多久,便传来了秀树和香奈惨死的消息,种种线索指出,潜伏在他们家里的“东西”不是等闲之辈。意识自己的力量远远不够的真琴搬出了自己的姐姐琴子(松隆子 饰),琴子是世界上远近闻名的驱魔师。在简单的调查了案发现场后,琴子向世界各地的灵媒发出了邀请,请他们于圣诞夜集结于此,共同对付这个超乎想象的邪魔。The life seems perfect for Hideki who lives with his beautiful wife in his new suburban flat. One day, he is called by a colleague that a visitor comes to see him at his office. When he reaches the reception, Hideki is baffled to learn that the visitor is already gone leaving a memo of his unborn daughter's name "Chisa". Two years later, the colleague dies mysteriously and Hideki's house is attacked by a sinister presence. To protect his family, Hideki asks for help from a journalist Nozaki and a prestigious exorcist who performs a ritual to break an unknown spell. But they come to learn what they are dealing with is beyond their imagination.