夏洛特与富有的丈夫一起在纽西兰过着幸福的生活。某一天晚上,一群不速之客闯入农场,杀了她的丈夫,绑走了她强褓中的儿子。面对政府当局的冷漠消极,求助无门的她只能孤身踏上拯救儿子的旅程,在危机四伏的荒山野岭奋力求生,同时还得追查歹徒的下落。Charlotte Lockton, a wealthy, upper class, English immigrant, chooses to forgo all of her home luxuries to find her kidnapped baby son. She navigates her way through the unruly and wild world of the gold rush in 1860's New Zealand, finding unlikely friendship amongst the hustlers, whores, Maori Warriors and Chinese Miners. But in the end, she must face the man who took the boy - and become the woman she never thought she'd be.