影片《绑架冰激凌》讲述了一个服装厂老板欲用“绑架”的方式请流行天后代言,却误绑了她的替身歌手,因而在阴错阳差间引爆了一场名为“绑架门”的娱乐圈爆笑风波,其中艺人叛逆、经纪公司雪藏、重金赎身、王牌经纪人大战传媒舆论等娱乐圈标签性热点话题均被一一捕获罗列。Lin was unknowingly casted as a body double for Nana (a diva under prolonged hospitalization) in order to dispel fears and to help revive Zhang Tiansheng's dying music company which signed Nana. Lin ran away after learning that she was only meant as a body double, only to be kidnapped by a garment factory owner (Wang Yitou) who mistook Lin for Nana. Wang's business was failing and he needed a famous singer to act as a spokesperson, by singing a song for his company in order to save his business. Hence, begins an intertwined story of mistaken identity, reconciliation with truth, hopes, trust, forgiveness and friendship.