蝾螈La salamandre(1971)

又名:The Salamander


主演:布鲁·欧吉尔 让-吕克·比多 雅克·德尼 

导演:阿兰·泰纳 / 编剧:约翰·伯格 John Berger/阿兰·泰纳 Alain Tanner



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 La Salamandre [1971].mkv
2019-05-12 [08,88] (7,0) La salamandre (1971) FR.avi
2019-05-11 LA SALAMANDRE [Alain Tanner] - 1971 120mn DVDRIP


日期 资源名称
2021-11-30 [email protected]rt">蝾螈SRT
2021-05-21 蝾螈1971瑞士文艺片
2019-05-12 蝾螈1971瑞士文艺片


Plot Summary:Two men, arty though somewhat staid, are drawn to the spirited and quixotic Rosemonde, a young working-class woman whom they meet because they're writing a teleplay about a minor but curious event in which either her uncle was wounded while cleaning his rifle or she shot him. Pierre is a free-lance journalist hired to write the script; he's short of time so he asks a Bohemian poet friend, Paul, to help. Pierre wants facts and tracks down Rosemonde for interviews that lead to other explorations; Paul only wants to imagine her and needs little more than her name to do so. But he does meet her, and she entangles him, too. Did she cause the shooting? Is she venomous or innocent?
1971年柏林电影节新导演论坛艺术贡献奖   一幅艺术家气质、性格沉静的两名男子同时拜倒在一个果敢、热爱空想的打工少女罗丝蒙裙下,原来他们俩正在拍一部电视剧,讲的是一件微不足道却离奇古怪的事情:罗丝蒙的叔叔擦枪走火误伤自己,或者是罗丝蒙枪杀了叔叔。自由作家皮埃尔受雇编写剧本, 由于时间不足,他邀来一位波希米亚诗人朋友保罗帮忙。两人的意见相左:皮埃尔希望获得事实并由此对罗丝蒙进行采访追踪,挖掘其他素材;而保罗则只要一个名字就能幻想出一个罗丝蒙。但是他确实见过罗丝蒙,而她也就缠上他了。是罗丝蒙引起枪击的吗?她究竟是恶意还是无辜的呢?
