战争是件温柔事War Is a Tender Thing(2013)


导演:Adjani Arumpac / 





Plot Summary:War is a Tender Thing retells the blood-soaked story of war-torn Southern Philippines. Portrayed by the media as a locus of unbridgeable conflicts between and among different cultures living side by side, this documentary gently unravels the war as an endless attempt at survival and adaptation of the Southern Philippine citizens to state policies that disregard the most basic concept of home. How does one account for the many lives played upon by these political maneuvers that have not taken into consideration the faceless and nameless? One listens to their stories, however imperfect, however partial. These memories make up a narrative of the war that is as cogent as the factual telling.
(2016当代叙事影展)從家族記憶的言述,展開一段漫長的菲律賓戰爭史。1930年代,菲律賓政府啟動一項大型殖民移墾計劃,原本以穆斯林和原住民定居者為主的島嶼民答那峨,湧入大量的基督徒移墾者定居,將近一世紀的戰火從此燃起,未曾停歇。出生當地的導演 Arumpac,母系家族是基督徒,父系家族則是穆斯林,兩個家族彼此為生存奮戰,也將腳下的土地視為永遠的家鄉。「戰爭本質是什麼?」Arumpac舉起攝影機,在大歷史敘事的洪流中,以影像開闢一條新的路徑,實驗性的敘事風格,隱晦幽微的情感流動,宛如一本以影像書寫的短篇小說,透過重寫家族記憶、認同與情感,描繪戰火下人的生存處境。
