Plot Summary:This is about Chihiro, a teenager who has only gone to an all-girls school and has no experience with boys whatsoever. One day, a boy that she sees at the train station every day asks her out and thus she begins her first relationship. This manga portrays the up and downs of first love with a good dose of humor.
一直就读女子学校的小千。某天早上,男校的学生桥本向她告白,结果桥本就成了小千的第一个男朋友。但他们两个人单独相处的时候,总是紧张的说不出话。这段恋情会如何发展呢…!? 暑假结束,小千他们也将迎接新学期的到来。自从阿勋闯入以後,上学的约会时间总是3个人。为了增加2个人单独相处的时间,小千决定放学之後到车站等桥本。结果……