Take a Chance(1933)


主演:詹姆斯·杜恩 June Knight 莉莲·罗思 克里夫·爱德华兹 莉莲·邦德 桃乐茜·李 Lona Andre 查尔斯·巴德·罗杰斯 Charles Richman Robert Gleckler 哈里·香农 George McKay 

导演:未知编剧:Monte Brice

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Take a Chance:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:From a team 2 girls and 2 not-straight men, a girl leaves to be a star, other stays to keep the boys straight. The star comes back with a producer, who falls in love with the girl who stayed. There are hurdles, the 2 men, and her IOU.
