Plot Summary:Schoolgirls on the verge of adulthood know that boys can be feckless and girls treacherous. Three friends gather around a Ouija board to call forth the spirit of Kokkuri. Masami has a boyfriend, Akira; Hiroko, who is nervous about the séance, wonders if she should take the plunge into sex; Mio is haunted by her mother's suicide. She also has a secret life as the voice of a midnight talk show host, the sexually-charged Midori. Mio must explore her past and her new feelings. Can she hold off the power and predictions of Kokkuri to enter adulthood, or will the destructive and romantic side of teen spirit be too powerful?
关键词:钱rmvb下载钱仙游戏钱迅雷下载《钱》下载三位高校女生-未央(矢松亞由美飾)、比呂子(鳥田博子飾)及昌巳( 石川萌飾)為同校好友。維繫三人情感的話題,是深夜廣播節目 「Midnight Bluebird」主持人「小滿」。她擅以輕鬆的言語,披露自己的感 情世界及性愛經歷,因此也博得許多高中女生的認同及喜愛。 因為「小滿」的一句話「想知道我的事,可以去問錢仙」,三人才半信半 疑地玩起錢仙。問起有關「小滿」的種種,包括家庭成員、出生日期等。 竟然都全數吻合。 於是,三人開始詢問關於自已的愛情問題、甚至是死亡的日期。始料未及 的,幾個簡單的問題不但揭露出私人的秘密,進而更動搖了彼此的關係。 從那之後,周遭接連發生怪事,隨著錢仙預言死期的逼近,三人才發現, 「小滿」的身份居然就是....