

主演:水岛裕 富田耕生 石丸博也 盐屋翼 川浪叶子 铃置洋孝 前田敏子 青野武 鹈饲留美子 三矢雄二 纳谷悟朗 

导演:今泽哲男 / 广川和之 / 出崎哲 / 锅岛修 / 西村纯二 / 





Plot Summary:In the year 1999, humanity begins to advance beyond the known Solar System. The small planet Gishin, led by the Emperor Zul, who aims to conquer the galaxy, runs into conflict with Earth. He targets Earth for elimination and to do this, he sends a male baby called Mars to live among humanity. Accompanying the baby is a giant robot named Gaia, which utilizes a new power source strong enough to destroy an entire planet. As planned, Mars is expected to grow up, where he will activate the bomb within Gaia to fulfill the mission of destroying the Earth. However, when Mars arrives on Earth he is adopted into a Japanese family and given the name Takeru. Seventeen years later, Takeru grows up with a love for humanity and refuses to detonate the bomb as ordered by Zul. However, if Takeru was to die, the bomb within Gaia would explode destroying the earth.
西历1982年,一道神秘的光芒落在了日本明神礁。为了消灭地球,异震星的祖鲁皇帝将还是婴儿的异震星人明神武(水岛裕配音)与装有反阳子炸弹的机器人盖亚一起送到了地球。17年后,明神武成长为一名心地善良的少年。此时,地球人类开始向宇宙进军。地球防卫军为了应对宇宙的突发事件而组成了精锐部队“CRUSHER”部队,明神武就是成员之一,担任COSMO CRUSHER的射击手。然而他的耳边总是萦绕着“玛兹!阻止地球人进入宇宙,爆破掉地球”的神秘声音。原来他就是祖鲁皇帝设计摧毁地球的玛兹。   64集日本热血动画剧集《六神合体》,改编自横山光辉的漫画《MARS》,于1981年在日本首播,随后引进香港、台湾及中国大陆。一经播出,就以新颖的光效和美形的角色赢得了众多女性观众的追捧和喜爱。不仅如此,它更成为唤醒儿时回忆的经典动漫作品。
