Plot Summary:Danny and Steve are migrant farm workers who wind up in Cat Tail, Florida. Cat Tail is run by Madden Packing and Danny works for Madden while Steve works for the underdog farmer named Nick. After the Tomato crop is destroyed by Madden, Steve takes Nick, Lola and the next crop to Atlanta where they sell it for big money. Danny is going up with Madden and thinks Steve is a sucker for working in the dirt. Lola stays in Atlanta while Nick and Steve go back to Cat Tail and the real trouble begins.
关键词:电影牢狱鸳鸯下载观看牢狱鸳鸯讲的什么亡命鸳鸯粤语迅雷亡命鸳鸯MP4下载Danny and Steve are migrant farm workers who wind up in Cat Tail, Florida. Cat Tail is run by Madden Packing and Danny works for Madden while Steve works for the underdog farmer named Nick...