恐怖梦魇Twists of Terror(1997)


主演:詹妮弗·鲁宾 Françoise Robertson 尼克‧曼库索 

导演:道格拉斯·杰克逊 / 编剧:John Shirley (III)





Plot Summary:Stuck in the attic of his house, a paranoid recounts several different tales to an unknown listener in order to explain the dangers of the world: The People You Meet-Out on a date, a couple are celebrating their anniversary when their car crashes and is run off the road, forcing them to ride with a stranger when he picks them up. When he and a friend take them to a cabin in the woods, they are tortured, but soon they realize that the allegiances of the kidnappers are a little more shaky than they thought. The Clinic-Traveling through the countryside, a man finds himself attacked by a savage dog at a gas station and ends up at a nearby private clinic where a strange nurse tends to his wounds. Persistent in trying to leave, he tries to get out in order to go on with his day but manages to be prevented from knowing what's going on. Continuing to snoop around, he finds the real reason for the deadly game and tries to get out of the building alive. Stolen Moments-Struggling through the dating world, a woman is encouraged by her friend to go for a guy when she sees him at the bar, and they make plans for a date. As he starts to romance her over the phone, they eventually agree to meet up together at his house, but they soon realize something isn't right when the others around them suddenly turn up dead.
由三段恐怖故事组成,正如片名中的twists所表明的那样,这三个故事都有着出乎意料的反转结局。   第一个故事"The People You Meet"讲一对年轻夫妇去旅行纪念结婚周年,途中车子被人撞坏,只得搭便车,不料竟被司机和另一名搭车人合伙绑架到废弃木屋。歹徒强暴了妻子,还要杀死丈夫。夫妻二人最终发现,这并不是临时起意的犯案,而是早有预谋……   第二个故事"The Clinic"讲一个推销员路经荒僻小镇,在加油站被恶狗咬伤,逃到一间诊所求救。一个年轻医生和一个美貌护士接待了他,让他住院治疗。可是诊所里总有怪事发生,墙上的血迹和吓人的尖叫都让他觉得医生似乎隐藏着什么秘密。原来这间诊所竟然是……   第三个故事"Stolen Moments"讲一个内向的单身女子遇到两个英俊风流的男士,三人共渡春宵,不料这场浪漫的约会竟然变成血腥的梦魇……
