Plot Summary:Just yesterday they were students, the best of the best, the hope of Soviet physics. But today has come, and their talent is needed by Soviet intelligence. The year is 1980, the country is preparing to host the Olympic Games, and behind the facade of the big holiday is an escalating confrontation between the superpowers. And former friends, by the will of fate, find themselves on opposite sides of the barricades.
关键词:净手净心图片净手视频净手什么意思净手礼是什么意思昨天,他们还是学生,精英中的精英,苏联物理学的希望。但今天,苏联情报部门需要他们的才能。1980 年,该国正在筹备举办奥运会,而这个盛大节日的外表背后,是超级大国之间不断升级的对抗。而以前的朋友,在命运的安排下,发现自己站在了对立面。