Plot Summary:English School teacher Robert Grieve wins a satchel's worth of money and decide to take a journey deeper into the wilder side of Cambodia. Coming up against a scheming American, a crooked police officer and a darker side of the country, Grieve follows his journey to a dramatic climax.
亚历克斯·帕蒂弗([关键第四号])将主演新片[黑暗中的猎手](Hunters in the Dark,暂译)。舞台剧导演西蒙·埃文斯首执导筒,劳伦斯·奥斯本操刀剧本。影片改编自奥斯本创作的同名小说,讲述一个英国人在柬埔寨漂泊,作为一名小镇的老师,他渴望用这种方式逃避平静而绝望的生活。杜可风将担任摄影指导。