
又名:Flying Daggers

主演:张智霖 林心如 董洁 高鑫 寇振海 岳跃利 孙兴 郑国霖 李学庆 刘卫华 韩雪 

导演:申学兵 / 编剧:关展博 Zhan B. Guan/陈丽华 Lihua Chen





Plot Summary:The little girl (Cai Yue also known as Yue Shen) decides to live with her father - he is known to be the best swordsman there is. Xiao Li Fei Dao challenges him to a duel, but before that duel the little girls father was blinded and subsequently killed in the duel with Xiao Li Fei Dao. When Cai Yue found out that her father died (before he went to fight Xiao Li Fei Dao he promised his daughter that he would come back.) Cai Yue was angered by the death of her father and wanted revenge. Xiao Li Fei Dao found out that his son was Li Huai (a beggar). So he decided to give Li Huai the secrets to the famous kung fu - "Xiao Li Fei Dao". Li Huai took that and his mothers will and decided to leave the Li house (he did not want to be in that family.) Years later Cai Yue thought that she was good enough to fight Xiao Li Fei Dao (Li Huai's dad). She went to his house and challenged him.
天下无双的“一剑飞雪”薜青碧(孙兴饰)生性孤傲,妻子芸娘(林心如饰)多年前改嫁殷商朱鹤年,留下女儿薜采月和他相依为命。在一次行刺激战中,薛青碧痛失爱人,从此带着女儿采月亡命天涯。小混混李坏(张智霖饰)是一名孤儿,漂泊多年。但乐观开朗的李坏生性善良,爱抱打不平。李坏偶遇哭泣的方可可(董洁饰),视为自己的意中人。然而李坏有一个从没有人知道的身世之谜,李坏原是江湖名侠“小李飞刀”之后。   经过多年的历练,李坏凭借亡母锦囊中的宝图,练成了天下无双的飞刀,并找到了富可敌国的宝藏。然而这却成为了他招来杀身之祸的噩梦,一时间成为了江湖上人人追杀的大盗。奉皇命捕杀李坏的“月神”薛采月(林心如饰)邂逅玩世不恭的李坏,两人坠入爱河。他们排除万难组建了一个温暖的家。然而世事难料,李坏一觉醒来时发现已怀了他骨肉的采月不告而别。
