Plot Summary:The new owner of the Cleveland Indians puts together a purposely horrible team so they'll lose and she can move the team. But when the plot is uncovered, they start winning just to spite her.
关键词:泰国华侨白洛士文差到香港养病, 得看安妮照顾, 期间邂逅神秘女子顾美伦. 差爱上伦, 一夜缠绵后, 伦却不知所终. 后二人重逢, 伦表白家中累代遗传淋疯, 女子为脱病患, 被逼向陌生男子「卖疯」. 差对伦不离不谋, 但遭父母阻挠, 无奈返回泰国. 未几, 差病发, 容貎尽变, 逃进森林. 伦赴泰找差, 深入林中, 遇巨蟒袭击. 差奋勇杀蟒, 蟒毒渗入潭水. 为逃避伦, 差喝下毒水自杀, 淋疯竟因而治愈. 差容貎恢复, 与伦再续前缘.