不能爱,毋宁死Love Free or Die: How the Bishop of New Hampshire is Changing the World(2012)



导演:Macky Alston / 





Plot Summary:LOVE FREE OR DIE is about a man whose two defining passions are in direct conflict: his love for God and for his partner Mark. Gene Robinson is the first openly gay person to become a bishop in the historic traditions of Christendom. His consecration in 2003, to which he wore a bullet-proof vest, caused an international stir, and he has lived with death threats every day since. The film follows Robinson's personal story as American churches debate whether or not lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people are equal to heterosexuals in the eyes of God while our nation debates whether LGBT people are equal to heterosexuals in the eyes of the law. In LOVE FREE OR DIE, Bishop Gene steps onto the world stage as he travels from small-town churches to Washington's Lincoln Memorial to London's Lambeth Palace calling for all to stand for equality - inspiring bishops, priests and ordinary folk to come out from the shadows and change history.
“不能爱,毋宁死:新罕布什尔一位牧师如何改变世界”的主人公吉恩·罗宾逊(Gene Robinson)是世界第一位公开性取向并在主流基督教会担任大主教的牧师。基督教有三大流派:天主教、东正教和新教,吉恩·罗宾逊所在的新罕布什尔州属于美国新教圣公会派教区。由于圣公会按惯例是以投票决定大主教,在2003年6月吉恩·罗宾逊以62:45的比数当选。此事引发了整个新教的轩然大波,狂热教徒甚至向他发出死亡威胁。如今8年过去,他的故事已成为改变信仰版图的宝贵财富。纪录片围绕吉恩·罗宾逊的决定展开——作为公开拥有同性伴侣的主教,他拒绝放弃他爱的男人,也拒绝放弃他爱的上帝——显示了通过个人努力,保守传统也会对恐同心理进行反思和自我调整,透露出未来宗教与世俗和解的曙光。◎QAF
