这是戈达尔讽刺人性的史诗,这是我的观点;因为那个时代里的一切标志性元素都可以在这部电影里找到:欲望,权利,战争,阴影,共产主义,对立,愚弄,还有虚无和荒谬;当我们把这一大包的词汇卷集到一起,触摸到的荆棘多得惊人。我断定这是个披着导演外衣的朋克,原因就是2000年看的两部电影,一部是更加令人触目惊心的“周末”,另一部就是这个“卡宾枪手”。During a war, the poor and ignorant brothers Ulysses and Michel-Ange are lured and recruited by two soldiers that promise wealth to them in the name of their King. The greedy wife of Ulysses Cleopatre and her daughter Venus ask them to enlist to pursue fortune. They travel to Italy and become unscrupulous criminals of war. When Ulysses is wounded in one eye, he returns home with Michel-Ange and a small bag full of postcards of famous locations and the promise that they would be entitled of the properties in the end of the war. However, when the King signs the peace treaty with their enemy, they find that the agreement was actually surrender and they have a prize to pay for their actions.