Plot Summary:In a distant and mystical land, wimpy Prince Adam leads the life of royalty. Unknown to all but a few close friends/allies, Prince Adam is actually a hero, the mighty He-Man. Together with his friends, (such as Teela; her father, a man-at-arms; mysterious Orko and his mighty friend/horse substitute Battle Cat), He-Man battles the evil Skeletor and his minions for control of the world, and, more importantly, for the control, power and "honor of Greyskull," the mysterious castle from which He-Man derives his powers.
关键词:宇宙的巨人希曼电影版宇宙巨人希曼中文版宇宙的巨人希曼国语版在线看宇宙的巨人希曼在线观看本片由美国飞美逊公司(Filmation Associates)于1983~1985年推出,大获成功后,该公司忙不迭地推出了剧情类似的“兄妹篇”《非凡的公主希瑞》(在我国,由于引进的原因,希瑞先于希曼被人熟知),同样取得巨大成功。 每集的开场白如下:“我是一个宇宙巨人,名叫亚当,是艾特尼亚王国的王子。我保守着辉克堡的秘密。这,是太空虎,我忠实的好朋友。我可以为自己召来神秘的魔力,只要念一声咒语:‘辉克显灵’……希曼来啦……这时候太空虎将变成我的坐骑,我就成了希曼,宇宙中最强有力的人。只有其他三个人知道这个秘密:我的朋友鹦鹉仙子,邓肯武士和小不点奥克,他们将帮助我进行保护辉克堡的战斗。”——除了亚当王子之外,该片里的其它角色,鹦鹉仙子、邓肯武士、奥克以及骷髅王等等,也同样让人刻骨铭心。