以钱为本Everything's Gone Green(2006)



主演:保罗·卡斯坦佐 Steph Song JR·波恩 

导演:Paul Fox / 编剧:Douglas Coupland


Plot Summary:Twenty-nine year old Vancouverite Ryan Arlen is floundering in life. As a result, his girlfriend dumps him, she kicks him out of their apartment, and he is suspended from his mindless office job all on the same day. But Ryan thinks his life is turning around when out of a fluke of circumstances he is offered a job working for the provincial lottery corporation, and his real estate developer brother, with who he has a somewhat strained relationship, allows him to be the live-in caretaker of an empty upscale condo complex. After the initial euphoria, Ryan questions whether these new situations are just a continuation of his boring middle class existence, especially when others around him, such as his parents (his father who also recently lost his job) and his best friend, a slacker named Spike, are displaying a new found entrepreneurial spirit regardless of the actual business ventures. So when Bryce, a golf course designer that he met recently, offers him a lucrative business proposition, Ryan decides to take a chance on a different way of life. But Ryan begins to question this new experience as well. All that Ryan seems to know about his existence is his attraction to Bryce's Asian girlfriend, a movie set dresser named Ming, who, although not totally clear of her life path, is on one to which Ryan too may aspire.
在本片中,瑞恩尽量想要不那么努力,但是他周围却都是一些“成功人士”:他的狐朋狗友通过法律擦边球的方式成为了有钱人;他的哥哥通过合法可却不怎么道德的方式成为了有钱人;他的父亲在失业并失去信仰之后,通过体制之外的方式成为了有钱人;就连他喜欢的女孩都傍上了一个有钱的偷车贼。   瑞恩即将步入而立之年,被卷入了一家博彩杂志的洗钱计划之后,他一直挣扎着想要从这些非法所得中获得快乐。   我们所处的时代面临了新的问题:我们可能就这么随波逐流的进入新的世纪吗?中产阶级会就此消亡吗?什么时候“够了”才真的够了?是不是所有的人都想成为百万富翁呢?


bugz • 温哥华电影节获奖影片..极力推荐

小成本影片,但整体感觉很专业,影片处处透出一种艺术气息,演员的表演也是很自然. 拍摄地在美丽的加拿大