


主演:阿吉特·库玛尔 Shanmuga sundaram Ravi Kanth Thulasi Elizabeth Dubai Prakash Sundor Shobam 

导演:文卡特·帕布 / 编剧:Venkat Prabhu


Plot Summary:Mankatha is a racy and adrenaline-rushing story of a Maharashtra police officer Vinayak Mahadevan (Ajith) who is suspended for helping a smuggler to escape from police encounter. He starts leading life in his own way. He falls for Sanjana (Trisha), daughter of an influential local goon Arumuga Chettiyar (Jayaprakash) in Mumbai. A tough cop Prithvi (Arjun) takes charge to end betting scandal in IPL cricket in Mumbai. Arumuga uses his links with dons in Mumbai tries to route through his old theatre, a cash of over Rs 500 crore to be used in betting. Sumanth (Vaibhav), a goon working for Arumuga Chettiyarplans to take away the booty with the help of his friends Ganesh (Ashwin), Mahanth (Mahanth), who owns a bar in Mumbai and Prem (Premji), a IIT graduate. Vinayak joins the race. he promises to help them and divide it between them. Trouble starts after they take away the cash. Both Arumugha Chettiyar and police are now on their heels. Meanwhile, Mahanth and Prem escape with the cash. It ...
板球可以说是印度的国球,自然少不了赌球。印度板球超级联赛决赛开赛在即,来自各地的黑市赌资高达50亿卢比。这批现金成为警察、盗贼、赌球组织内部人员等众人的焦点。本片就是围绕这50亿卢比现金盗窃与反盗窃展开的。   既然是“无间”盗,自然难分敌友,你中有我,我中有你。为了钱,可以欺骗、可以背叛、可以出卖、可以杀人......直到影片最后一刻,才猛然发现,原来......


Icenow • RUN 技术宅 RUN【纯吐槽】

电影一开始一股浓浓的乡土气息扑面而来,耍些很不协调的酷,大叔警服下的啤酒肚忽隐忽现。。。 然后所谓的