时空罪犯Prisoner X(2016)



主演:达蒙·鲁尼恩 朱利安·瑞钦斯 米歇尔·诺尔顿 Andrew Lichti-Lee Jessica Greco 

导演:Gaurav Seth / 编剧:Gaurav Seth/Robert Reed


Plot Summary:On a cold February night, a young man is found unconscious at the wheel of a crashed vehicle in Montana not far from the Canadian border and a lump of weapons-grade Uranium is recovered from the trunk. He is immediately thrown into a high-security prison and tortured relentlessly for months. But apart from a few vicious-sounding curses in an unknown language, he utters nothing. Then one day out of the blue, he gives his interrogators a list of numbers and letters, which turn out to be astronomical coordinates of upcoming Supernova explosions. The very next day the first of those celestial events occurs exactly as predicted, sending shock-waves through the security establishment. It's obvious; the man in custody is no ordinary terrorist. He is a time-traveller from the future. Fifteen years later, RAMIRO still sits in the same secret prison two kilometres under the ground, but much has changed in the world above. Based on the information he has provided over the years, the US has waged...


woody43 • 老旧的主题,老旧的手法。

“时空旅行”,一直都是科幻作品的热门主题。原作小说没有读过,应该比电影好看很多吧。 看完后,一直想不

二号冲锋车 • 最后十分钟毁了一部名作

本片剧情很吸引人,也很曲折、很烧脑,前八十分钟看得津津有味,但没想到最后十分钟让人吐了! 所有的犯