罗南的遁逃Ronan's Escape(2010)


主演:David Lazarus 

导演:A.J. Carter / 


Plot Summary:Film description: This visually stunning short film set in the rural wheat belt of Western Australia, provides a candid insight into the life of Ronan, a 14 yr old boy who's been bullied his whole life at school. This accurate & controversial portrayal of life for someone who has fallen victim to bullying and the repercussions which exist, is told by director A.J. Carter in a unique, exposition intensive format with very little use of dialogue. Ronan's Escape presents arbitrary scenes rather than traditional storytelling which provokes audiences into discussion and interpretation of the scenes on a more personal level while reflecting on their own experiences.
这是校园生活中不能再平常的一天,罗尼虽然一个人吃着饭,但也怡然自得。直到一个球飞来将他砸倒在地,伴随着挑衅者的一句“loser”,一同倒下的还有他的尊严。 罗尼是校园里的孤独者,在群体中被人遗忘,在努力时被人算计,在失败后被人嘲笑,即使人类拥有不屈不挠的坚毅灵魂,但对于一个孩子来说,这样的暴力与冷暴力未免过于残忍。于是,在这个阳光明媚的下午,他决心逃避这一切…… 社会中浮躁之风大行,恃强凌弱,成功为上。而那些畸形的心态也慢慢地渗透给了孩子,从而埋下了无数惨剧的隐患。如果你尚在校园,请善待周围被暴力笼罩的同学,你的援手将使他们走出心灵的阴霾;如果你已为人父母,请教会孩子平等与博爱,并让他们勇敢地面对人生。


由野 • 愿每个遭受欺凌的人,都能顺利活过青春期
