大堡礁惊魂The Reef(2010)


主演:Adrienne Pickering Zoe Naylor Damian Walshe-Howling 

导演:Andrew Traucki / 编剧:Andrew Traucki/James M. Vernon


Plot Summary:Luke welcomes his friend Matt and his girlfriend Suzie that come from London and Matt's sister and Luke's former girlfriend Kate that comes from Sydney to sail with him and the sailor Warren in a sailboat. However, the vessel hits an underwater rock and capsizes with an opening on her bottom. Luke advises that they should swim in the north direction to reach the Turtle Island, in Queensland, Australia, while they have strength since there is a current moving the boat in the opposite direction of land but Warren prefers to stay on the hull waiting for help since there are sharks in the water. The quartet swims, but they are hunted by a great white shark.
来自英国的麦特(Gyton Grantley 饰)带着女友苏西(Adrienne Pickering 饰)以及居住在悉尼的妹妹凯特(Zoe Naylor 饰)来到澳大利亚某个港口小镇游玩,麦特的朋友卢克(Damian Walshe-Howling 饰)热情接待了他们。而在面对前女友凯特时,他的心中涌起别样的涟漪。阳光明媚,碧海蓝天,莫要辜负这个天堂一般的胜地和假期,他们租用水手沃伦(Kieran Darcy-Smith 饰)的游艇,启程前往天鹅大堡礁附近潜水玩耍。夜幕降临,游艇突然撞到了什么东西,伙伴们顿时陷入恐慌之中。五个人好不容易逃出生天,但船底破了打洞,他们被困在大海中央。   本就处在孤立无援的危险境地,恐怖的食人鲨又悄悄向这几名遇难者逼近……


才不是小孩子 • 单调略显

给三分是因为剧情 剧情显得有些不够生动 过于乏味 但 还蛮真实的 在这部剧中 探讨到鲨鱼攻击人完全是

汉尼拔巴卡 • 这个鲨鱼挺真实
