《摘金奇缘》改编自新加坡作家关凯文畅销全球的小说《疯狂的亚洲富豪》,讲述了美国出生的华裔经济学教授朱瑞秋(吴恬敏 饰)与男友杨尼克(亨利·戈尔丁 饰)一起参加他的好友婚礼时,竟惊讶地发现男友原来是亚洲“钻石王老五”。惊魂未定的瑞秋不仅要面临尼克身边前赴后继的美女攻势,还要直面男友背后错综复杂的豪门恩怨,更有杨紫琼饰演的高傲富家婆婆进行百般阻挠。当朱瑞秋误入名车、派对、珠宝、豪宅萦绕的纸醉金迷的亚洲富豪世界,爱情突现阶级鸿沟,作为现代版“高知灰姑娘”,她能否打好这场爱情保卫战?The story follows Rachel Chu (Wu), an American-born Chinese economics professor, who travels to her boyfriend Nick's (Golding) hometown of Singapore for his best friend's wedding. Before long, his secret is out: Nick is from a family that is impossibly wealthy, he's perhaps the most eligible bachelor in Asia, and every single woman in his ultra-rarefied social class is incredibly jealous of Rachel and wants to bring her down.