五代十国,纷纷扰扰,争斗不休。 先帝离奇驾崩,厉帝(葛优 饰)篡位,把先帝美丽的皇后(章子怡 饰)占为己有。皇后为求自保,惟有奉承于厉帝膝下。然而,她的心中有着更大的,不为人知的野心。 太子(吴彦祖 饰)是先帝的儿子,亡父之痛让他决心放弃艺术家的生活,开始了复仇之路。然而,犹豫不决的天性让他在复仇路上走得伤痕累累,作为后母的皇后更是 让他充满了感情的纠缠。 青女(周迅 饰)已被许为太子的妻子,她对太子痴心不二,最后却断送了青春年华。青女哥哥(黄晓明 饰)年轻气盛,与妹妹感情甚笃,深深陷入了这场斗争。 这天,厉帝开设夜宴,众人出席,暗涌翻滚,杀机四伏。In 907 AD, the Tang Dynasty is in tatters; infighting snarls the imperial family. Crown Prince Wu Luan loves Little Wan, but his father takes her as his Empress. Wu Luan goes into exile, studying dance and music. His uncle murders his father, taking throne and Empress; uncle sends assassins to kill Wu Luan. The Crown Prince eludes death and comes to court. The Emperor arranges for Little Wan's coronation and dispatches Wu Luan to a distant land; he then calls for a midnight banquet on the 100th day of his rule. Poison, treachery, Wu Luan's return, and the love of the innocent Qing for Wu Luan set up the final entanglements. No Fortinbras or Horatio lay the dead to rest.