越战时期,美国位于华盛顿特区的石花园,葬着为数众多在越战上殉职的美国军人。《教父》《战栗游戏》詹姆斯肯恩饰演哈塞德军官,深信越战是一场打不赢的战事,相反的,士兵威洛一生最大的职志就是代表国家上战场,好好打一场胜战荣返家园。哈塞德没办法劝阻威洛把自己送到最前线,他唯一能为这个朋友做的,就是──拖延,同时鼓励他好好找回他和瑞秋(《他们的故事》《油炸绿蕃茄》《玫瑰花床》玛丽史都麦特森饰)的感情……In the late 60s, during the Vietnam War, the idealistic soldier Jackie Willow arrives at Fort Meyer expecting to go to the Academy and then to the Vietnam War. Jackie is the son of a veteran sergeant and soon he becomes the protégé of the former friends of his father, Sergeant Clell Hazard and Sergeant Major 'Goody' Nelson. Jackie is promoted and gets married with his childhood friend Rachel Feld, to recommend Jackie to the Academy. He is promoted to lieutenant and asks to go to the Vietnam, returning to the Arlington National Cemetery.