17岁的生日派对,24小时的人性大观,在热辣辣的派对,泳池见证了成长。Henry 生日派对前一晚,好友Gabe来过夜,两人无所不谈,谈性说爱,Henry 会否对Gabe动心?生日派对的早上,Henry 的牧师爸爸开始煮早餐,妈妈开始预备,姐姐也回家参加派对。下午,包括爸爸的教会朋友、Henry 的同学和教友,还有一直暗恋亨利的卢根等更多来宾, 都齐集于泳池派对之中。入夜过后,这班青少年和各怀秘密的成年人,将要面对真正的自己。2011年香港同志影展参展作《孩子本色》导演再次探讨信仰和爱慾的关係,信者有冇得救?HENRY GAMBLE'S BIRTHDAY PARTY takes place over the course of 24 hours, at the 17th birthday pool party of preacher's kid Henry Gamble. As Henry treads through various sexual possibilities, seeking to come into his own, so too do the adults and teenagers of the party, all struggling to navigate the public and private, and their longing, despite themselves and their faith, for earthly love.