15岁的沙基勒一直以来都很崇拜他的在黑帮混的哥哥。但当他看到自己的哥哥被关进南卡罗莱纳州切斯特县监狱时,他的人生观都破灭了。15岁的斯托纳•乔希穿着象征问题囚犯的粉红色连衣裤,第二次来参加他的监狱之旅。拥有一张娃娃脸的11岁恶霸CJ不仅袭击教师,还袭击自己的兄弟。但当警察把他制服时,他只能趴着大口喘气。19岁的小偷韦恩很有可能会留下一份成年人犯罪记录。但他却依旧管不住自己的嘴,与狱警陷入争吵。'Beyond Scared Straight!' will once again show young offender intervention programs, only these have evolved since 'scaring teens is no longer as easy of a task.' Each of the four episodes will focus on a different prison program, following a group of at-risk teens and preteens going through the program and then catching up with them one month later.