《高尔基公园》 【美】 马丁?克鲁兹?史密斯 三具尸体在苏联的高尔基公园中被发现,面目和指纹都被损毁,以致无法辨认身份。一名莫斯科刑警负责侦查这宗无头血案,经过锲而不舍的追查,他发现美国皮草商人李马文涉有重嫌,而一名死者的女朋友琼娜库拉则在从事叛国阴谋时被逮捕,两者之间到底有无牵连……小小探员在制度之内奋力想澄清真相。电影版《血洒红场》非常有名,名列侦探电影top 10之一,曾提名1984年的金球奖。An investigator on the Moscow police force relentlessly pursues the solution to a triple homicide which occurred in Moscow's Gorky Park. He finds that no one really wants him to solve the crime because it is just the tip of a complex conspiracy which involves the highest levels of the Moscow city government.