彼得(皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 Pierce Brosnan 饰)曾是一名CIA的特工,人称“十一月杀手”,他个性沉稳技艺高超,深受上司和同僚们的信赖。然而,彼得厌倦了整日打打杀杀东躲西藏的日子,他费了好大一番工夫,总算得以金盆洗手,只希望能够隐姓埋名,找一个谁也不认识他的地方,在平静中度过余生。 然而天不遂人愿,一位名为爱丽丝(欧嘉·柯瑞兰寇 Olga Kurylenko 饰)女子出现在了彼得的生活中。爱丽丝手中掌握某些证据,直指数十年前的一个阴谋,此时她的生命正受到CIA的威胁,而曾经的这起阴谋,和彼得有着千丝万缕的关联。为了保护爱丽丝,彼得成为了老东家的对手,而CIA也不示弱,派出彼得过去的徒弟大卫(卢克·布雷西 Luke Bracey 饰)狙击两人。Peter Devereaux is a former CIA agent who is asked by the man he worked for to extract a woman who is in Russia and is presently close to a man running for President, who is believed to have committed crimes during the Chechen war. She can give them the name of someone who can prove it. His friend says that she will only come to him. So he goes and she gets the info and tries to get out but the man finds out and tries to stop her.