波普先生(金·凯瑞 Jim Carrey 饰)是一个极富工作热情的高效率商人,在公司里备受重用,但却常常因此牺牲了与家人共处的时光。这个冬天,当他正在全力以赴地争取一位伤脑筋的合伙人时,前妻阿曼达(卡拉·古奇诺 Carla Gugino 饰)也准备开始自己的下一段恋情。 然而这一切随着一个快递箱子的到来而发生了意想不到的逆转——波普先生从已故父亲那里继承到了最不寻常的财产:一只活企鹅。就在他束手无策的时候,竟又收到了另外五只活企鹅。企鹅们一度将波普先生的规律生活与工作弄得一团糟,但他的小儿子却十分喜爱这些企鹅。然而,在纽约这样的大都市里,养企鹅虽是趣事,却绝对不是易事…… 电影改编自理查德和佛罗伦萨·阿特沃特(Richard and Florence Atwater)共同撰写的同名儿童小说。Tom Popper grew up having very little interaction with his father who was off exploring the world. When he grows up he spends most of time on his work and ignores his children. One day his father sends him an unusual gift: a penguin. Popper can't help but wonder why his father would send him a penguin. He tries to get rid of it, but accidentally orders five more. When his children and ex-wife show up to celebrate his son's birthday, the kids are taken with the penguins. And Popper finally gets to connect with his kids while his work suffers.